GKT's Soapbox

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Notarized Today!

Yes, I was notarized today! What does that mean?

Well about a year ago I finally got myself a free Digital Certificate. With it I can sign my emails and if my corresponder also has one I can exchange encrypted emails.

Today I finally got around to the next step which is adding my name to the Digital Certificate as well as my email address. This is no trivial process as you must physically meet at least 3 existing notaries and have them verify your ID (using a passport and/or driver's license).

The process went smoothly today and now, not only am I able to include my name but I am also able to notarize other people!

See Thawte for more information and to get your free email certificate. When you're ready to be notarized, and if you live in Melbourne, give me a call!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Site of the week

Here's a neat little site I stumbled across.


As the site says, it serves one simple purpose:

You pass one of those rather obnoxiously long links that some sites are so fond of, such as:

and MakeAShorterLink returns you with:

which is much easier to send in an email or even in an IM, and not have it wrapped and broken at the other end.

Buying Contact Lenses off the web

I've been buying my contacts over the internet for at least the last few years, ever since I noticed I could save over 25% off from retail prices. My main provider has been Eyesonline. Their prices have always been excellent, their service most satisfactory and delivery has been either $5 or $6 an order - amortised over 2 boxes this has always been rather cheap.

After my annual checkup I reordered 4 boxes this time - enough for a full yearly supply for me - and took advantage of Eyesonline's free shipping on orders over $125. I don't expect my prescription to change in the next year so this seemed like a good approach this time.

Recently two friends have asked about getting Contacts over the web, so I decided to do a little cheking up on the state of affairs. There are at least 10 sites now in easy reach of a google search. Of these I noted a few had identical pricing schemes (interesting, eh?), OPSM Direct are still horribly overpriced (the Telstra of the Online contact lens world) and there are now a couple good competitors to Eyesonline.

The first is Webcontacts - they have a very nice site but their prices are a smidgen higher and I don't like their return policy.

The two that I may consider in future are NetOptical (a real shoestring operation by the looks of it, but being cost focussed means they meet my #1 requirement); and Eyecontacts. They have similar pricing to the others but freight is charged at $8.50 per order - depending on how many boxes you order this may or may not be cheaper. For my current lenses (B&L Purevision) they are only $1 more expensive per box. But for a friend who is looking for Focus Dailies the have a tremendous offer of $65 per box for the 90-pack, where Eyesonline offer them for $82.

Definitely something to look into again further next year, before reordering.