GKT's Soapbox

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Google's business model

Cringely always writes interesting commentaries on the tech industry. In this weeks links he points to some interesting analysis on Google's Business Model and competitive approach. Fascinating take on how technology is changing how in a few years time Microsoft's dominance could be no more...

How to make a Chai Latte

Since discovering Chai Latte a few weeks back (a good friend introduced me to the experience), I've wondered about making my own at home. It helps to have a capuccino maker to steam the milk but this page shows how to do it all from scratch, including using a micowave to "steam" the milk.

The easy way is to buy Chai tea bags which have the right type of black chai leaves - usually Darjeeling - along with the necessary spices (cinammon, cloves, ginger root and cardamon), but the link shows to to grind the individual bits together.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Motorsport DVDs

Found a cool site that sells extreme motorsport dvds. They have stuff on cars, bikes... and even have remote control cars!

Check it out Carazy.