80+ wpm! Data-entry speeds on a handheld device
I know I can maintain ~25wpm using grafitti on my old Palm Tungsten. I probably peak in excess of 40wpm, but 81.74 wpm?
Well, the "Dom Perignon" Speed Contests have been held every 2 years for the past few years and have produced some interesting results across Palms, Pocket PCs and even Treo thumboards.
The champ of entry methods is not graffiti, is not even the thumboard, but is a funny-looking,specially designed key layout called "Fitaly".

I don't know how much design effort went into the layout to get "f i t a l y" across the top... I think it was named because if you say it quickly it sounds like how it feels to use!
For proof, checkout the clips of the winners in action. Contestants even used a program called "FitalyLetris" to calculate their speeds...
What's really weird is that two of the past winners are from Adelaide...
Well, the "Dom Perignon" Speed Contests have been held every 2 years for the past few years and have produced some interesting results across Palms, Pocket PCs and even Treo thumboards.
The champ of entry methods is not graffiti, is not even the thumboard, but is a funny-looking,specially designed key layout called "Fitaly".

I don't know how much design effort went into the layout to get "f i t a l y" across the top... I think it was named because if you say it quickly it sounds like how it feels to use!
For proof, checkout the clips of the winners in action. Contestants even used a program called "FitalyLetris" to calculate their speeds...
What's really weird is that two of the past winners are from Adelaide...
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