GKT's Soapbox

Friday, August 13, 2004

Latest Gripe about driving to work

Why don't people let others in? Why do they they guard their bit of road so jealously, when 90+% of the time, whoever is trying to get into their lane, actually wants to get across to the next lane. Net result? They haven't lost anything by letting someone in!

Or the truck driver this morning who was tooting his horn at the taxi driver double parked in Flinders Lane... Sure, the taxi driver could have pulled over in a more appropriate spot, but (a) there's no pointing tooting while the passenger is putting their luggage in the boot - they're moving as fast as they can! and (b) the lights 50 m ahead were still red, so it wasn't like the truck was going to go anywhere! Ah the stupid impatience of it all...


Ok, so I've finally got a blog. It's August 2004, so am I behind the times or what? Oh well, I can now rant and rave like everyone else!

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Displays of the future

Robert X Cringley's latest article: The Big Picture

Rolltronics Display Backplane Technology Could Put a Holodeck in Your Bedroom